Keeping Busy
Here’s what’s new… I went for a walk around the island this morning, sat for
Forgetting Remembrance Day
A yawning gulf of uneasiness opened up around me as my brain went into overdrive trying to make sense of the strange people in my new home.
Digging Up Giants
Trying to excavate a sacred piece, cannot be done, it seems, without causing another death, a death of place.
Midnight’s Rainbow
I surveyed the scene and then saw something I'd never seen before in my life.
Models Love Garage Sales
“Wait—is that how they did it?”
To Continue...
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A Brief and Ancient History
So there you go, a 2000-year-old account relayed by a 250-year-old book. And so we have a glimpse of the people that may have, in another time, stood a large stone on-end to mark a spot on the island next door.
Invasive Species
It saw me immediately, lifted its head and plaintively groaned.
A Cat Named Bitey
He was a free agent and I took notice, never having met a cat that called its own shots.
See How Nicely Everything Works Out? 🍯
“Hope you have a lovely winter, do come by for tea when you’re settled in.”