What is Gig Racing?
A rowing seat on the Shah is a privilege and rite of passage.
Join Us for the December “Leaping Fool”
Please join SOURCE Paper and The Intermodal Spirit on December 15th (doors 5:30pm, reading 6:30pm) for another installment
How to Not Get Shot while Visiting Friends
Later the phrase, “Man on the range—hold your fire!” popped into my head but I had called out the friendly “Hello!” one uses to track down vanished shop clerks.
Van sought: light baggage and freight hauling duty for two, young guesthouse owners. Short distances. Busy summers but free time in the off season.
A Grouse in the Hand...
Would-be lessees and grouse trappers, take heed!
Talent vs. Reaching Out
This heaving, churning, amazing sea threw a living room-full of water up the rocks at a time.
The Dream-Found Still
Lighthouses scanning from every distant corner, gave the impression of a giant disco from horizon to horizon.
And my growing, expanding Universe theory
Eel in the Tank, Shark in the House
Tank eel tales and four-legged sharks
Lobster Bait—It’s what’s for Dinner.
Four worms later, all of them still wriggling on the counter, and he too threw in the towel.