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Leaping Fool Submissions are Open for the 2024-25 Season

Leaping Fool Submissions are Open for the 2024-25 Season

“T H E  L E A P I N G  F O O L”  winter writers’ series enters its last season with three events taking place at the Orcas Island Winery during the 2024–2025 season. Submissions for all three events are now open. 

THE LEAPING FOOL is a community-based collaboration in which local writers, poets, and storytellers read short (6–10 mins.) pieces aloud at a candlelit, evening gathering at the winery. The feeling is magical and honoring of the work being shared. 

We invite pieces on the following themes:


(U N) B E L I E F

Submission deadline: Thursday, 11/7

Event date: Thursday, 11/21, 6pm (5pm doors)

deconstruction / reconciliation / freedom / manifestation

We invite stories of beliefs released, selves liberated, and growth enabled.


S P I R A L 

Submission deadline: Thursday, 12/5

Event date: Thursday, 2/19, 6pm (5pm doors)

labyrinth / passageway / journey / sequence / omnipresence

We invite stories of exploration, steps taken, and universality. 


I N V O C A T I O N 

Submission deadline: Thursday , 2/6

Event date: Thursday, 2/20, 6pm (5pm doors)

a communal meditation

a closing ceremony for Leaping Fool

Consideration for submissions:

• Please keep length to 6–10 minutes

• Please name the document with your FIRST + LAST name, and the TITLE of your piece.

• Please note the event for which your piece is intended: November: (U N) B E L I E F)December: S P I R A LFebruary: I N V O C A T I O N 

• Word or Pages documents are requested. 


This winter’s series is graciously sponsored by wearehalo.org. 

Thank you!

We are grateful for you.


