1 min read

Keeping Busy

Keeping Busy
The Turk's Head Pub, St. Agnes. 


Here’s what’s new… I went for a walk around the island this morning, sat for a while down past the Nag and played guitar. There was a strong wind at my back and I’m sure my little chords could be heard faintly drifting across every hedge and flower field. Big tides today, at low water the sea could be seen bearing its claws. The rocks and ledges, that have claimed hundreds of ships over the years (another one only a month ago), are laid plain. Some, resting deeper still, remain concealed. Around lunch I helped David Allen, the owner of the pub, pull a long plastic hose pipe out of the cove down by the quay. It sucks in seawater that flushes the pub toilets in the summer. So yeah, I’m keeping busy.

I’ve been here a couple of weeks now and have the feeling I should be getting to work soon. As always, I’ve laid out about six projects to work on, raising the odds I’ll do none of them.

I’m also getting the feeling that I set goals for myself as a test or a challenge, to see if I can do them, instead of just doing what I’m naturally good at. This human powered vehicle research idea for instance. It would require me to go all over the islands talking to people about their transport needs and assessing their interest in pedaling instead of driving. But really I’m no good at making introductions. I’m happiest when I can just sit in a corner by myself and just make stuff. There’s a side to me that’s not very social at all, yet other times I crave interaction. When I was a kid I could stay in my room for hours and draw as long as I knew someone was home. If I was alone though, I just felt lonely. Maybe I should be a painter or make music or something.