Full Moon Forecast for June 2023
Welcome to this new column where once a month I work with the Tarot to interpret and offer messages from Spirit.
June 2023
III Cups (Reversed)
This card indicates, to me, a couple of things. One is a loss of happiness. Something we have hoped for has not come about. We were not supported as we would have wished. Or it can indicate an excess of happiness, but a happiness without deeper meaning. This latter state might not at all be unpleasant.
VI of Pentacles
This loss or excess appears to lead to an unequal but stable situation that gives us little satisfaction. We are given just enough (perhaps emotionally but more likely, I think, materially) to keep us from looking elsewhere. The surprising thing here is that we may have instigated or sought out this situation ourselves.
Why would we do this? Perhaps we have a story that this is all we deserve or are able to receive. Perhaps we don’t see or perceive any other options. Perhaps the full experience of the situation would overpower or overwhelm us, so we accept, or are given, just enough.
Either way the situation has some hold, some control, over us.
IX The Hermit (Reversed)
Being held in this unsatisfying situation may lead to fear of others, a retreat from people in general and reticence to face ourselves. We may not want to engage, or we may feign enthusiasm if we do. I think the message here is: notice what’s happening, pick up on the signals within ourselves, and make a change.
What do we really want? What supports our joy? Can we fully receive that which we are offered? I invite you to leave the controlling situation behind and become involved with others again, this time in a more balanced, more mutually supportive way.
And, as you consider leaving the controlling situation behind, I ask you to consider that, more often than not, we are the ones who control ourselves.
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I wish you well on your journeys.
Nik Schulz is a writer and Tarot guide. Click here to book a reading, register for his free monthly Tarot Salon, or subscribe to his site, The Intermodal Spirit.
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