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Correction: Leaping Fool Nov. Submission Deadline Extended to Sunday, 11/17 @ 10am

Date correction! The deadline to submit a piece to our November event, 
( U N ) B E L I E F, has been extended to Sunday, 11/17, @ 10am.

Please send your submissions to hello (at) source-paper.com

(U N) B E L I E F
Submission deadline: Sunday, 11/17 @ 10am
Event date: Thursday, 11/21, 6pm (5pm doors)
deconstruction / reconciliation / freedom / manifestation
We invite stories of beliefs released, selves liberated, and growth enabled.

Consideration for submissions:
• Please keep length to 6–10 minutes
• Please name the document with your FIRST + LAST name, and the TITLE of your piece. •