Eel in the Tank, Shark in the House
Tank eel tales and four-legged sharks
Lobster Bait—It’s what’s for Dinner.
Four worms later, all of them still wriggling on the counter, and he too threw in the towel.
Keeping Busy
Here’s what’s new… I went for a walk around the island this morning, sat for
Forgetting Remembrance Day
A yawning gulf of uneasiness opened up around me as my brain went into overdrive trying to make sense of the strange people in my new home.
Digging Up Giants
Trying to excavate a sacred piece, cannot be done, it seems, without causing another death, a death of place.
Midnight’s Rainbow
I surveyed the scene and then saw something I'd never seen before in my life.
How to Fight Fair
We can still hold another in love even while disagreeing with, or not being able to accept some, or all, of their actions.
Models Love Garage Sales
“Wait—is that how they did it?”
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December Leaping Fool Submissions are Open!
Join us on December 15th for another installment of “The Leaping Fool” winter writer’s series at Orcas Island Winery.