Join Us for the December “Leaping Fool”
Please join SOURCE Paper and The Intermodal Spirit on December 15th (doors 5:30pm, reading 6:30pm) for another installment
How to Not Get Shot while Visiting Friends
Later the phrase, “Man on the range—hold your fire!” popped into my head but I had called out the friendly “Hello!” one uses to track down vanished shop clerks.
Van sought: light baggage and freight hauling duty for two, young guesthouse owners. Short distances. Busy summers but free time in the off season.
A Grouse in the Hand...
Would-be lessees and grouse trappers, take heed!
Talent vs. Reaching Out
This heaving, churning, amazing sea threw a living room-full of water up the rocks at a time.
The Dream-Found Still
Lighthouses scanning from every distant corner, gave the impression of a giant disco from horizon to horizon.
An Invitation to Reflect and Connect
If you’re interested in following the natural rhythms of the season and slowing down to reflect and connect, you
A Visual Guide to the Tarot’s Major Arcana, Print / Poster
A couple of years ago I began work on visual guide, a map, that explains the archetypes in, and the
The Tarot Journey of Enlightenment, an Introduction
This is the story of a journey that will take you through your own formation, back through the core of yourself, and, if you choose, out past the bounds of reality.
And my growing, expanding Universe theory